Sunday, September 29, 2013

Review: Rihanna "Nude" fragrance

  Hello lovelies! Today has been full of trying to study for a test, though I did get a bit distracted at times ;)

Anyway, I thought I'd do a review on my Newest-bought fragrance. It's the Rihanna "Nude" perfume. 
  I usually don't get that many celebrity scents, but this is an exception. (I also love Beyonce's "Heat Rush" which I guess is an exception aswell ;) )

  Scent: As I smelled this perfume directly from the bottle, it didn't seem that great to me and it actually smelled quite strong. But you can't judge a scent from the bottle so I decided to put it on. 

  On my wrist: After spraying it on it does take a while to develop. 
  It's one of those perfumes which I would usually have sprayed on my wrist, walked away only to find about 30 minutes later that something (my wrist) was smelling really good.
  Only not with this one, since I didn't have too much time. Instead I shook my hand back and forth for a few minutes, looking like a fool haha.
  From a too strong scent really, it developed to this really nice, sweet vanilla   yet flowery scent. 

Feel and review: This perfume makes me feel young (which I am so that's a positive haha) and flirty/sweet. 
  This is truly a scent that develops beautifully! Although, there is something in the formula that makes it quite strong so be careful if you are sensitive to that.
  The lasting power is great and it lasts the whole day!

  I'd give it a 3.5 / 5 ! 

Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Beautiful Saturday!

I'm so happy it's finally the weekend! Although I've had a busy week and the next one will too, it's still nice to escape the schedules lol.
  Today I went shopping and found A LOT of books and I may do some reviews once they're actually finished (or even begun haha) ;)

To start out the day, me and my mom sat and ate breakfast / read the papers when we heard a sound. Turned out my baby kitten had actually managed to fall into the toilet !!! He had actually gotten up by himself when he got there and it was one of those situations that you laugh at, but that also could have turned dangerous. 
  Oh Well, he got his first swim. 

I got this super cute little flowery tray today, soo GORGEOUS! :O :D

Hope you all had / have a fantastic Saturday! What are you up to this weekend? 

Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3

Thursday, September 26, 2013

25 Questions Tag!

  I've finally gotten around to doing a TAG. Sorry for not updating everyday, but I've had A LOT of school work at the moment, sorry guys, I'll get better! <3

  So this is the "25 Questions TAG". I'm not sure who originally made this. Hope you enjoy! :D


  1. Do you have a middle name? Yes I do! It's Thérèse and I think it's french! ^.^

  2. What is your favourite subject in school? I like most of them more or less ;) But maybe languages, history/religion/society and science.

  3. What is your favourite drink? Might seem boring but I like water haha :) And tea of course!

  4. What is your favourite song at the moment? Lorde - The Love Club / Tennis Court.

  5. What would you name your children? Omg, I LOVE names! Lol, I just think they're sooo important and I always have such a difficult time when deciding which one of the many on my lists I should pick for pretty much anything that needs a name. ;)
  I think I would name my children something a bit more "sophisticated" for the first name, like James for a boy and Noelle for a girl. And maybe something more different and original for the second name!

  6. Do you participate in any sports? Not a team sport or anything competitive but Istill like to stay active. Right now I'm doing the Blogilates ( Sweatember Workout Calendar and I also like spinning, jogging and yoga.

  7. Favourite book? I like classics, like To Kill A Mockingbird. But also girly books, one of my favourite authors is Sophie Kinsella and especially her Shopaholic series and the "I've got your number" book is lovely.

  8. Favourite colour? I love mostly brights because they just make me happy, but I also love pastels and whites.

  9. Favourite animal? There's so many! Maybe hummingbirds, cats and dogs.

  10. What's your favourite perfume? I have lots and I can't say that I've found my perfect scent yet, but I usually wear vanilla based ones.

  11. What's your favourite holiday? Probably Christmas and Easter :)

  12. Have you graduated from High School? Not yet!

  13. Have you been out of the country? Yes! My favourite country to vacay in is France and especially Paris because it's so beautiful and there's SO much to do!

  14. Do you speak any other languages? I do, I'm actually learning french which will be my third language.

  15. Do you have any siblings? No I don't :(

  16. What's your favourite store? Pretty much any makeup store. I believe The Body Shop and New Yorker is my favourites atm!

  17. What's your favourite restaurant? I'm more of a coffeeshop kind of girl, cafés or smaller restaurants that aren't really chains.

  18. Do you like school? Yes but I tend to get too busy for my own good and a bit stressed :/ But other than that I really like to learn new things... most of the time... ;)

  19. Favourite Youtuber? I have several but MakeUpbyLeinaBaaaby was my first fave and still is!  

  20. Favourite Movie? Anything comedy or girly, but I'm not very into dramas.

  21. Favourite TV shows? I really like reality shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians and TLC shows. Oh! And of course The Office, my ABSOLUTE favourite!

  22. PC or Mac? Depends :).

  23. What phone do you have? A white Iphone5.

  24. How tall are you? About 5'3.

  25. Any pets? Yep! My first cat actually died this spring :'( Almost two weeks ago I had a new baby kitten named Batman Ferrari Enzo (weird name, I know lol)  :D

Doesn't he look a bit like he's wearing a Batman-mask?! Haha he's adorable :*

I know that this is an old tag, but I just thought you guys should get to know a bit more about me! If you have any questions for me, just comment! Please do this tag as well and let me know if you do!

  Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Review: Chanel "No. 5" Eau de Parfum

Chanel No. 5 is one of the most well-known and classic perfumes of all time.
  I got this about a year ago so I've had the time to really get to know it ;-)


This perfume has a more grown up smell, if that makes any sense. It's more of a grown up, sensual than a young and flirty one.
  The first thing that comes to my mind is actually soap! Now, don't get me wrong, soap is not necessarily bad.
  It actually gives a really clean feeling when you put it on. I can also sense the tones of patchouli in it.
  There is a sweet touch to the clean, grownup feel.

  On the wrist

The scent doesn't really change too much after the development like some other perfumes.
  This one actually lasts for a really long time! I would say around 8 hours of course depending on climate, activity etc. but that's how I would estimate it.


Chanel No. 5 makes me feel more mature, it's like a sudden time machine ten years forward! ;-) No, but it does make me feel classy and confident. I've noticed how I even sit up straighter!
  It might seem silly, but I truly believe that a perfume can do a lot for your mood and spirit!


I do like this, but it's not my go-to for everyday wear.
  I feel like this scent is complicated and takes a special mood to wear, since you can't just put it on. You have to work a bit on the aura as well to get the full effect.
  Now, don't get intimidated! It's a beautiful scent, very classy, clean and sensual.

  I would give this scent a 4/5!

                       Have you tried this scent? Did you like it?

  Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I'm exhausted after a long day of studying, but hopefully it will be worth it when I get my work back! 

  Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Follow me on Bloglovin'!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
I just got Bloglovin'! Please follow me on there and I'll follow back :D

Saturday Love

I actually should have studied today, but we also needed to do some shopping so I decided to do the work tomorrow! :)
  After gym class we went and hit the stores :P here's a few of the things that I got!

  I did not get the book today thought, but I thought it would make the picture cuter ^,^ The book is called "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?" by the fabulous Mindy Kaling!

I got these Nike WMNS Lunar Forever running shoes in the color Tropical Twist/Liquid Lime (it's what it said on the box but I can't seem to find them online :'( 

I've seen these on Instagram soooo many times and I finally got it! It smells really nice actually and it's so small and the color is adorable. On the negative side, I find it a bit difficult to actually get the product out of the jar since it's pretty thick. I can't tell you how good it is for moisturizing the lips yet since I bought it today, but I can write an update later!

I think I said in the Autumn tag yesterday that I was going to look for an autumn candle and I sort of already did hehe... This one is lovely! It's called "Honey & Spice and it smells nice and spicy and not way to sweet. It's one of their more subtle scents but it really gives a cozy-cold-months feel!

How did you spend your Saturday? 

   Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Autumn Tag!

I found this tag that is made by Makeup-Pixi3 on Coffee And Cosmetics blog and I just HAD TO do it! 

The autumn is actually my favourite season. It’s just so nice and cosy… and includes some of my faves like tea, candles, sweaters, matching gloves and scarves etc.
  Another plus is that it leads up to the winter which I love too!

For Autumn, what is your...

Favourite thing about it?
My favourite thing is that the days get a bit shorter and darker. I like my evenings dark in particular, because it’s cosier. I also love the colours of the leaves and crunch under your feet! And the colors are really gorgeous too!

Favourite drink?
TEA! Vanilla, caramel, lavender, peppermint, Earl Grey… Everything! I actually used to hate tea (couldn’t even take a sip) but now it’s one of the best things I know!

Favourite scent/candle?
I have actually got tons of new candles recently that I stock up for the colder months haha. My favourite scent, smell, flavour, colour etc. is vanilla so vanilla candles are my must haves! (I’m a bit obsessed by vanilla stuff actually hehe…)
  My favourite vanillas right now has to be Christmas Cupcake, Vanilla Satin and Vanilla Cupcake all by Yankee Candle. And, as an exception from the vanilla, Garden Sweet Pea (also Yankee Candle). 

Best Lipstick?
To light up the rainy clouds outside I’ll probably wear something a bit brighter that I usually would. I love my Maybelline 540 “Hollywood Red” lipstick because it’s a more toned down red with a bit of nude in it. A thin layer can look pretty natural with just a bit of pop and a thick layer can look…. Well, you guessed it; Hollywood red!

Go to Moisturiser?
I’m using Lumene’s “Bright Now Vitamin C Cream” which smells yummy and is supposed to help with aging and protect the skin from a cold climate.

Go to colours for the eyes?
My mini 4-color Isadora palette in number 20 “Classic Brown” is an absolute gem because it makes very wearable brown smokey eyes for a cheap price! It’s also easy to carry around everywhere because of its small size. 

Favourite music or band/singer to listen to?
I’m usually into a bit of more “aggressive” music, but right now I’m actually very into pop! Lol. This autumn I’m just in a really positive mood so I enjoy light and upbeat music atm. I’m totally over-playing Ariana Grande’s debut album, ” Yours Truly”, it’s sooooo good! “Piano”, “Lovin’ It” and “Right There” gets me in happy mode instantly right now.

Favourite outfit to wear?
Tons of different jeans! I used to have like 3 pairs a few months ago but now I think I have 8 hehe… At least some have different colours and prints ;)
  I’m like 80% of the time wearing knitted sweaters when it’s cold so I think that should be included as well haha.
  I also like tights with dresses/skirts. And cardigans, cute jackets, scarves, gloves and hats/beanies.

Autumn treat?
Maybe some new makeup that I’ve been longing for ;). I want to try an EOS lipbalm! I’m also going to be checking for another autumn candle and cute new knitted stuff to make the colder months more fun ^.^ .

Favourite place to be?
I usually walk home every school day for about 30 minutes and it’s really lovely to do so in the cold, fresh air (as long as you wear warm enough clothes ;) ).
  Other than that I’m mostly inside. In the summers I usually feel guilty for being inside by the computer etc. while the sun is shining on me so I take the opportunity now that it’s cold outside lol.      
  And it’s so cosy being inside just listening to the rain… Ahhhh…


  Making this tag was so much fun and I hope you enjoyed reading it! If you do this tag too, make sure to let me know so I can read it!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Early days of Autumn, Book; The Daisy Club - Charlotte Bingham

I will be working on a post with Facts About Me and probably something more so that you all can get to know me better!  

Ahhh! I can't believe that more than half of September has already passed. Where have this summer... No, where have 3/4 of this year gone?! 
  Anyway, it's still pretty warm where I live. Rainy in the mornings but it gets warmer throughout the rest of the day. And the color of the leaves has already started to change and fallen off! I'm pretty excited for the colder part of the year though, strangely ;). Do you like the colder/darker months? 

(Cute pic of my new baby kitten, Batman... I'm in love!^.^) On another note, I just started reading The Daisy Club by Charlotte Bingham. This far I've only read a little over 100 pages but it seems GREAT! 
  After reading some reviews online I didn't have too high hopes for it but since we were asked to read books about war for school and I already had this one, I decided to try and see how I would like it myself. 
  I don't regret it this far, it's actually really nice and entertaining. I'm really getting to "know" the personalities. 

  What book are you currently reading? Have you read any book about wars?

Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Review: Essie "Lacquered Up"

  I'm a big fan of the Essie nailpolishes although I only own 4 ... this far! ;) So with my birthday coming up I decided to do my homework and try to find the perfect red shade to put on my wishlist.
  After reading up on it a bit I found that this pretty nailpolish shade seemed like a perfect match for me!


In the bottle showed in pic 1 it does look a bit orange but once I opened the bottle my opinion changed. 

  It is way more red and it's actually a gorgeous crimson red which definitely looks vampy with a romantic touch to me.

  Throughout a few days in dozens of different lightnings I've seen how the color has changed because it really does! It ranges from a orangey-red to a vampy-red but stays bright red and happy the entire time. 


Compared to my other (few) Essie nailpolishes this formula wasn't quite the same. This is runnier, which I do know may find it's reason in my particular bottle or it not being shaken right, but I still had to "drag" the brush so that there was minimum amount of color on it each time. And this small amount was actually enough for the entire nail, even enough for quite a bit of fall-outs ;). 

 To my surprise one coat was enough! Yes, the pics above are all taken with one layer base coat, one layer Lacquered Up and two top coats! I found this polish very opaque!
The pigmentation on the Essie polishes are usually quite good, but for me they usually require two coats which makes this one the best that I've tried yet. 


I'm writing this on a Wednesday evening and I painted them on a Sunday which makes it almost 4 days since I painted them. 

  With lots of other polishes I would undoubtedly have experienced more chipping on at least one nail than I have and that's usually in my first 2-3 days.

  This far it has had a pretty great lasting power but it has chipped some around the cuticle and top of the nail. Though these chips are quite small and not really noticeable unless you try to see it (I of course did).


One of the best nailpolishes I've tried, especially in terms of color, and I'm so happy that I made this my choice! 

  It's, in my opinion, the perfect red shade and I love how it changes in different lightnings.

  The only downfall is the runnier formula and the fact that it has chipped a bit.

  It's also on the pricier side but it was worth it for me and I hope this review was helpful to you! 
It scores 4/5 / 5 for me! 

Please comment down below on your opinions about this polish and what your favorite Essie shade is! 

Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Review: The Body Shop "Blue Corn 3in1 Deep Cleansing Scrub mask"

  This is my first blog post on here so take it easy on me! ;) I will be doing some Random Facts posts or similar to start out this account, if you have any requests or questions just comment down below.

  Lately I've wanted to try something that - for me - is completely brand new and not just the same kind of products I've used for years and that does the same thing.
  Something that I've heard about and that I've wanted to try for awhile is face masks in a jar. A face mask which is not meant for only 1-2 uses but for multiple. 
  The Body Shop is usually my go-to for skincare and so I thought I'd try one of theirs first! I chose the Blue Corn kind in particular because it seemed like the one with the best reviews. 

Product info:

  The product is for Normal/Oily skin and to be used on a cleaned face (not around eyes or on lips) and stay on for about 10-15 minutes (until dry).

  Unfortuntely I'm not sure what skintype I have, but I believe it's combination or normal skintype.

The testing:

  I've only used this product once this far but I've already gotten results so I thought I'd do a review now. The masks smells nice, but not quite like corn. The smell remind me of flowers with a hint of sweetness to it. It looks light blue with darker grains (for scrubbing).

  I washed my face with water only since I didn't have any makeup on previously and then put on the mask.
My first reaction was that the mask was thicker than I had imagined. I did find it a bit hard to put on, but it wasn't at all impossible.

  After a while I felt a bit of sting that came back during short periods, but I didn't find it hurtful at all. Rather a bit like massage actually.

  I let it stay on for about 18 minutes before washing it off.
  I didn't use cotton pads to wipe it away, but used my fingers to really get full use of the scrub. It took about five minutes to get all of the grains away - but it was totally worth it.

  The result was clean and fresh skin. It looked newborn and bright! It had this inner light to it that was just amazing. I loved how it made my skin feel and look. It wasn't oily but definitely not dry. 

 As for pores it did feel like it went deep and did help with acne after one use!

 I put on a moisturizer to finish it off.

My rating:

For me the effect of the mask weighed up every single flaw that I have mentioned earlier although those "flaws" weren't too major neither.

  It gave me one of best effects that I've ever gotten from a face mask.

  I was really happy with it and I do recommend it to anyone curious to try. Although I would be careful with how often I'd use it if I had dry skin since it might dry your skin out a bit if it's used too often.

So far I give it a 4.5 / 5!  Please try it and tell me how you liked it as well! Once I'm finished with the tub I might write a new post about how many uses it lasted, long time results etc.!

  Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3