Thursday, September 26, 2013

25 Questions Tag!

  I've finally gotten around to doing a TAG. Sorry for not updating everyday, but I've had A LOT of school work at the moment, sorry guys, I'll get better! <3

  So this is the "25 Questions TAG". I'm not sure who originally made this. Hope you enjoy! :D


  1. Do you have a middle name? Yes I do! It's Thérèse and I think it's french! ^.^

  2. What is your favourite subject in school? I like most of them more or less ;) But maybe languages, history/religion/society and science.

  3. What is your favourite drink? Might seem boring but I like water haha :) And tea of course!

  4. What is your favourite song at the moment? Lorde - The Love Club / Tennis Court.

  5. What would you name your children? Omg, I LOVE names! Lol, I just think they're sooo important and I always have such a difficult time when deciding which one of the many on my lists I should pick for pretty much anything that needs a name. ;)
  I think I would name my children something a bit more "sophisticated" for the first name, like James for a boy and Noelle for a girl. And maybe something more different and original for the second name!

  6. Do you participate in any sports? Not a team sport or anything competitive but Istill like to stay active. Right now I'm doing the Blogilates ( Sweatember Workout Calendar and I also like spinning, jogging and yoga.

  7. Favourite book? I like classics, like To Kill A Mockingbird. But also girly books, one of my favourite authors is Sophie Kinsella and especially her Shopaholic series and the "I've got your number" book is lovely.

  8. Favourite colour? I love mostly brights because they just make me happy, but I also love pastels and whites.

  9. Favourite animal? There's so many! Maybe hummingbirds, cats and dogs.

  10. What's your favourite perfume? I have lots and I can't say that I've found my perfect scent yet, but I usually wear vanilla based ones.

  11. What's your favourite holiday? Probably Christmas and Easter :)

  12. Have you graduated from High School? Not yet!

  13. Have you been out of the country? Yes! My favourite country to vacay in is France and especially Paris because it's so beautiful and there's SO much to do!

  14. Do you speak any other languages? I do, I'm actually learning french which will be my third language.

  15. Do you have any siblings? No I don't :(

  16. What's your favourite store? Pretty much any makeup store. I believe The Body Shop and New Yorker is my favourites atm!

  17. What's your favourite restaurant? I'm more of a coffeeshop kind of girl, cafés or smaller restaurants that aren't really chains.

  18. Do you like school? Yes but I tend to get too busy for my own good and a bit stressed :/ But other than that I really like to learn new things... most of the time... ;)

  19. Favourite Youtuber? I have several but MakeUpbyLeinaBaaaby was my first fave and still is!  

  20. Favourite Movie? Anything comedy or girly, but I'm not very into dramas.

  21. Favourite TV shows? I really like reality shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians and TLC shows. Oh! And of course The Office, my ABSOLUTE favourite!

  22. PC or Mac? Depends :).

  23. What phone do you have? A white Iphone5.

  24. How tall are you? About 5'3.

  25. Any pets? Yep! My first cat actually died this spring :'( Almost two weeks ago I had a new baby kitten named Batman Ferrari Enzo (weird name, I know lol)  :D

Doesn't he look a bit like he's wearing a Batman-mask?! Haha he's adorable :*

I know that this is an old tag, but I just thought you guys should get to know a bit more about me! If you have any questions for me, just comment! Please do this tag as well and let me know if you do!

  Kisses and love with whipped cream on top! <3


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